Growing up Ian Alexander always wanted to be an engineer until he visited an engineering firm. “When I realized that engineers spent most of their days sitting at a desk, I knew that was not what I wanted to do with my life,” Alexander said. He was enrolled in a dual enrollment program at Bartlett High School with Tennessee College of Applied Technologies (TCAT) at the time and decided to continue his studies after high school at TCAT to become a machinist. He was able to enroll in the MOVE- HIRE grant program to receive free training in advanced manufacturing. This summer, Alexander graduated from TCAT and began working full time at Tri-State Armature Company, a company that works to keep high-powered electrical engines running for the largest manufacturing companies in the region, including several of the top medical device companies.

Alexander is one of hundreds of students throughout Shelby County who are being exposed to high-demand,
Students from Arlington High School’s STEM program were part of a tour of Odyssey Medical Technologies. The tour was coordinated by MOVE-HIRE partners, the Greater Memphis Medical Device Council and WIN (Workforce Investment Network). During the tour, several of the students were drawn to Odyssey’s 3D computer imagining program. Asking questions and showing a strong interest, led to two of the senior high school students being hired by Odyssey for the summer. Based on their pursuits for engineering degrees, Logan Waters and Chris Daleheight have the opportunity to work at Odyssey during college, holidays and summer breaks.
“We plan to expose them to quality, machining, and metal finishing during their employment. Learning how parts are made, measured and finished will put them so far ahead of their engineering peers in school,” said Jack Hanzlik, Director of Supply Chain at Odyssey.